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Role Play Website : Kumari Style.
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 Second Chances

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Second Chances Empty
PostSubject: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptyWed Jan 13, 2016 11:59 am

Hidden within the depths of the Schtien woods there stood a monstrous castle. Thorns climbed the tall rock walls, twisting its way around the window panes up to the gargoyles that perched menacingly at the top of the castle. An iron gate with pointed spears segregated the castle’s entrance from the woods itself.

The grounds were large and well kept but still letting the essence of the forest take over with the large trees that blocked the sun. There was a large bird bath with a sculpture of two angels fighting with sword and shield, male and female. The grounds were also covered by varies sculptures and plants.

The entrance to the castle was enforced by a thick steel door. Once inside, you entered the large foyer, pictures of knights hung on the wall, two stair cases on either side that wound their way up to the second floor. As you entered the castle, straight ahead under where the two stair cases came together was a large glass box from floor to stairs. It was set up as an exhibit, rounded tree limbs where set up, large enough to hold the spiky crystal cocoon that sat center in the glass case. It looked like a miniature version of the forest outside, green yet dark, the cocoon the only light colored object for display. It had been sitting here for almost a week with no activity, yet the thing inside was very much alive.

Thad um….. thad um

The cocoon shook lightly. A small crack splintered the flawless diamond. This tedious work lasted until a pulse of energy from within was released and the cocoon shattered, bouncing off the glass wall to fall on the fake forest floor below. Dainty fingers twitched, toes curled. Vibrant purple eyes blinked awake, a lithe body stretched as she looked around; blinked to clear her vision. Sound, smells, names of objects, suddenly flooded her mind as she learned what Aleria had known. She reached for head as the flood of information so quickly received hurt. The small action caused the assembled tree limbs to rock, her body shifted. The feeling of…. What was the word? Falling? Yes, the feeling as if she were falling registered and she pushed herself from the tree to land on her feet. She stayed upright for a split of a second, before her legs wobbled and went out from under her. Her hands reached out to catch herself. Rolling to sit on her butt, she assessed her body waiting to get familiar with it. As she sat, she tested the strength in her arms and legs slowly testing out each. Then a though penetrated her mind, “her body”. HER BODY! A slow smile crept upon her face. She was finally awake…but, how?

She looked down at her tattered clothes and grimaced. Why was she so dirty? Hm. She looked around at her surroundings she did not understand why she was in such a small forest and around her were the dwellings of furniture. Her mind was chaotic as Aleria’s memories flooded her system, as she learned words and their meaning. Slowly the scent of old blood reached her nose, she looked around for the source and then down at the shirt she was wearing. Her fingers reached up slowly caressing the dried blood, puzzled.

Aleria. A male. She knew him. Wanted help. “Let me help you“, she was saying. A groan escaped her lips as more memories came. She fell back and curled up as the scene continued to play out. “Zigan.”…”I won’t hurt you, I’m here to help.” Aleria moved towards the male attempting to sooth him and take away whatever was bother him. She trusted him and loved him, wanting nothing but to help him. He was family.” The images faded and came back. Zigan and Aleria where facing each other…Zigan…

She sat up screaming as she saw the final blow from Zigan penetrate Aleria’s flesh. Her hands reached up swatting at her chest as if putting out a flame. Her scream fading, she sat there panting trying to calm herself as she went back over the memory.

Her heart rate almost pack to normal she spoke, “That’s right. Aleria… we almost died.” She rubbed the spot where Zigan’s energy had entered the body, a knowing that they were in trouble, she had awakened before Aleria could die, before this body could die. “Do not worry little sister,” her hand pressed to the middle of her chest. “Sleep and heal.” She stood, reaching out to support herself. Standing she frowned as her hand pressed against an invisible barrier. Then she reached out with her right hand and felt the same thing. Her hands skimmed the air around her finding more of the barrier. She was trapped. Her heart thudded in fear before red seeped into her irises, canine fangs punctured through her gums, and a rumbled snarl built in volume deep within her throat.

“I WILL NOT BE CONTAINTED!,” she roared, she reached back with her right fist, her energy raced up flaring around her fist as she punched her way through the barrier. The glass cracked like a spider web all around, before bursting in all directions, the fake forest setup incinerated by the wrath of her fury. Barefoot, she stepped down and out from her entrapment. The glass cut into the souls of her feet, but the glass was quickly pushed out of her skin as she healed instantly.

Standing in the middle of the grand foyer, her temper seethed, flaring out around her. The vases and other funitureing that surrounded the foyer where destroyed in her wake. She was already breathing heavily; it was too soon…Her fist curled and she closed her eyes as she counted to control her temper. Slowly she opened her eyes, her energy dissolving back into her body. She breathed in deeply to try to find out where exactly she was and she was dealing with. She was still angry at being contained, but until she found the person(s) responsible…
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Lucius Mistwalker
Lucius Mistwalker

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PostSubject: Re: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptyWed Jan 13, 2016 2:50 pm

Great thick leathery wings beat against the sky as the growing light of the coming day encroached upon the beautiful darkness of the night, pressing it back into the recesses from which it seemed to grow each night. Swirls of dust skittered across the stones of the rampart as currents of air slowed his descent before feet clad in leather boots touched down, taking the vampire's full weight upon them. Tucking his wings back beneath his cloak, Lucius strode down the stairs into the depths of his castle, feeling a slight warming sensation on the back of his neck as a stray ray of sun light brushed across his pale skin. He had felt a tremor from the energies bound within his home as he was flying in, and knew exactly where it had originated from.

The man stepped down into the main hall just in time to see numerous vases and paintings were turned to so much dust. Only the durability of the various pieces of armour prevented their collapse as well. "Ah,I see you have finally emerged from your chrysalis." He spoke, but not before obscuring himself from any detection.
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Second Chances Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptyThu Jan 14, 2016 4:59 pm

After she had calmed immensely, she stiffened as a voice penetrated her thoughts. Her violet eyes swept the room not seeing someone, yet the atmosphere had changed. Something was here. Using Aleria’s specialty, she switched to her second sight, which aloud for her to see life’s energy/essence.

The sparkly particles where all over, but she skipped those only looking for the most recent, the most vibrant of colors. The energy was definitely male. She also picked up a female’s pattern, although, the female hadn’t been in this part of the house for at least a few days. Her energy signature was very faded.

She walked over to a stand that had survived her temper and picked up one of the roses from the Ming Vase. Twirling it between her thumb and pointing finger, she ignored the male for the time being, her anger never ceasing, but boiling in the pits of her stomach. She stepped gently around the room, her focus on the flower or so it seemed. Yet she was observing the nooks and crannies of where the male could be hiding. There was one spot where the aura patterns where not in sync. She had a good idea that he was in that general direction.

Meanwhile, she gave herself time to go through Aleria’s memories. She could smell something… it was everywhere. She paused, tilting her head as the rose pricked her, seemingly unconcerned that he was watching. Finally Aleria’s memories made sense. Hiding a smirk at how Aleria viewed them, she let the blood swell before popping her finger in her mouth and licking the blood before the wound could close.

“This game of hide and seek is truly annoying. Shall I take it you are scared of a little girl?,” she taunted, her gaze penetrating in his general direction. She would have been able to pin point exactly, but she had just emerged, using more energy was costly, made her tired.
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Lucius Mistwalker
Lucius Mistwalker

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PostSubject: Re: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptySun Jan 17, 2016 12:50 am

"Scared may be a bit of an exaggeration, I have not lived to be this age by taking foolish risks." He spoke, continuing to move, feeling her eyes trail just behind him. She may have a rare ability to track me, he thinks to himself in the process, best not to make it to easy for her.

He of course omitted the intervening several thousand years between now and when he had last walked these halls, that was something she did not particularly need to know. "I had found your, cocoon, or chrysalis, whichever you prefer to call it, and decided to bring you here. The barrier you broke was more a precaution because I didn't know what, or who, was inside of it. Now, you have the appearance of one called Aleria who I have encountered before, but, your scent is off, who are you?" He asked, still moving to make it harder for her to track him.

The scent of her blood reached him, causing a reflexive licking of the lips. No, don't attack over that simple matter, Lucius thought to himself. Its not worth it, at least not until after you find out more about her. To compensate himself for the denial, he siphoned off some of the energy radiating off of her person.

He paused to lift a vase back onto a pedestal, figuring she would lock onto the movement of the object, but, it had belonged to his mother, so, he did not particularly care in this instance. After carefully resetting the vase, he continued moving around her, watching her, examining her physiology.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptyWed Jan 20, 2016 2:33 pm

As to not make herself dizzy, she did not circle round and round to follow him. So he kept moving so she could not get an accurate read on his location, fine. In fact, she was still getting used to being in the driver seat of this body. She brought her thumb to her mouth and licked the trail of blood that had formed. The wound itself had closed as soon as it happened.

She shrugged at his words; she did not care one lick about this creature. Her only thoughts were to do what she wanted now that she was free. First thing first, she needed nourishment. “I suppose I ought to thank you then, for taking it upon yourself to see that I emerged.” She rolled her eyes at the thought of Aleria almost dying in the middle of freaking field. Although the chrysalis had protections of its own, it was not impregnable.

“Who I am is no concern of yours. You may call me Aleria, as in essence, I am she.” For now. “And you are?” she asked. Her thoughts where telling her to leave this place. For now it was just she and the vampire, there was no telling when the female would make herself known. Having just awakened, she was weak and vulnerable. Not used to taping into her power and using. To escape his entrapment had been pure luck. She was angry at being imprisoned.

Her bones where weary, yet she stood not wanting to give this creature the impression that she was weak for him take advantage. As he siphoned her energy, the hand holding the rose curled in anger, snapping the rose in half, the two ends falling to the floor. Before they could hit they turned into a small pile of dirt as she sucked what energy it held into herself. “If you think to keep my captive, vampire, then think again.”
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Lucius Mistwalker
Lucius Mistwalker

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PostSubject: Re: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 2:25 pm

He stopped, letting himself be seen by her. "Keep you captive? If you want to leave, your welcome to." Snapping his fingers, a line of tile became more prominent. "Follow that path out if you are so inclined. Besides, if I had wanted to keep you here, against your will, there are plenty of things in place to have kept you here. The barriers were in place more to prevent anyone getting into your cocoon." Standing motionless, as a statue, he watched her. "As for your name, I know you are not Aleria, you may inhabit that woman''s body, but, you, your mind, is not Aleria. In my limited dealings with her, I have learned she is not as outwardly and openly as aggressive as you appear to be. So, whoever you are, you're not Aleria."

He began moving again, this time, a more leisurely stroll around the room, righting things that had been knocked over and survived the initial outburst of her wrathful power. "Anyway, now that you are, awake, you seem to be more of a mind with creating chaos than she was. If you would like, we could possibly work together to create more havoc, chaos, and simple destruction than either of us could working entirely alone." He looked at her again as he lifted a suit of armor from where it had been knocked over. "Besides, with the proper backing, and a place to stay, all that chaos could be quite fun." After resetting the suit, he picked up a jug that had been hidden behind a pillar, on the lee side where it had been sheltered from the blast.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 2:40 pm

As his aura levels aligned as he stopped moving, she took in his full height. For a vampire he did not look half bad. He seemed strong enough. She arched her brow and pursed her lips as she looked at the tile that led outside. “That’s good. Otherwise, we would have problems, vampire.”

“You will learn my name in time. For now, you and those who live in this land will refer to me as Aleria.” She stated once again for him, hopefully this time he would listen. “And, you are right, she and I are not the same, but for now we will pretend. Can you do that?”

She toed some of the broken glass that was on the floor but made no attempt to help him clean up the mess, for it was his fault his home got destroyed in the first place. “Where is the female vampire? Does she know of me?” She asked him, wanting to know all that she was getting involved in. His offer seemed well enough. She would use his dwellings until she was able to use her powers at will and she would need a place to stay to get acquainted with her new life. Aleria had her own place, but she did not want to step foot in it. She was not ready to put herself in Aleria’s place. “Your offer is reasonable. What did you have in mind?”
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Lucius Mistwalker
Lucius Mistwalker

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Second Chances Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Chances   Second Chances EmptyWed Jan 27, 2016 2:06 am

Shrugging, Lucius, looked at her, "As far as I am aware Desi knows nothing about you. In fact, I haven't seen her in weeks, which, wasn't that unusual, but, these days, perhaps I should look for her, she may need to feed." Shaking his head, the pale white vampire pulled himself back from his own thoughts to look again at the being calling itself Aleria.

"Very well, if you prefer, yes, we can pretend, for now. Though, once you figure out an actual name for yourself, I would appreciate if you were to tell it to me, dog" He smiled as he said the last word, turning the style of her own conversational barb back upon her.

"As for my offer, it is nothing too complicated, wouldnt want to over tax your mind. For now, we just need to go create havoc and chaos in the city. I can help you get there if you require the assistance."
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